Osteocondrose the waist

Degenerative disease in which the body is destroyed, the vertebrae, and takes place in the deformation of the intervertebral disc, called the osteocondrose of the lumbar spine. The causes of this pathology may be different, and to be dealt with, it is important to find out what it is that has influenced the progression of the deformity of the joints. If a person is bothered to the symptoms characteristic of degenerative disc disease, you should immediately contact the hospital.

At 1 stage to be able to cure the problem with medication and exercise, but the 2-3 degree, a conservative approach is not always helpful, therefore, to have recourse to a surgical method for the treatment of.

The deformation of the intervertebral disc

The main causes of

To the left or right side lower back osteocondrose disease and degenerative diseases of that nature, which destroyed the intervertebral disk is broken, the fibrous ring, and a person has a hernia, which causes severe pain and is a violation of the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Cause osteocondrose the lumbar region can be the following:

  • the increase in the physical effort, the lower division of the spinal column;
  • the incorrect location of the body, such as walking, sitting;
  • the lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle;
  • impaired posture;
  • injuries, fractures, and injuries that cause degenerative effects in the spine;
  • defects and diseases in the construction of the musculoskeletal system, in which the signal of the deformation, it is possible to see that already with the child.
  • with the obesity.
  • stress and poor diet.

The stage and the symptoms of

The signs of degenerative disc disease for the lumbar spine evolve according to the progression of the disease, and the more advanced, the more it will manifest the symptoms at all. There are a total of 4 grades:

  • At 1 stage, the fibrous ring of non-pecuniary damage, the pain is not expressed, and a lot of times it bothers me, after a very long journey for me. The pain is evident if the 2-type of lumbalgia, when a symptom is worrying you constantly, and lumbago, in which the signs appear all of a sudden.
  • Osteocondrose POP, the 2-level is characterized by a great destruction of the fibrous ring, and benefit from, the disk. Such a violation results in a reduction of the space between the vertebrae pressure on the nerve fibers. By progressing through the 2-stage process is accompanied by the expressed pain in the lumbar region, in the morning, felt the hardness, which is the time it doesn't work.
  • In phase 3, the fibrous ring of the affected area is completely destroyed, which is formed by a herniation, which is compression of the blood vessels, and the back of the nerves the spinal. The pain in my back constantly, and the pain does not recede after a rest and a reduction of the charges, we feel a sensation of pins and needles and heaviness in the legs. At the third level, is dystrophy of the muscle fibers, resulting in the movement of the patient.
  • In the 4 stages of pimple blemishes completely, a man concerned about the pain, and that motor activity is fully restricted. Due to a violation of a nerve supply and a blood supply, appear swelling in the legs, and between the vertebrae to grow bone and in education. In the last stage of the high risk of disability.

The syndromes of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine

Lower back osteocondrose is shown in one of the following conditions:

  • Point. This is the main symptom, which characterises the degenerative diseases-degenerative disorders in the spine. To the extent that the progression of the pathology, the symptoms have become marked, and the attack may last for a couple of days, which will have an impact on human health.
  • Root. Due to thinning, damaged hard-body height, intervertebral disc space is reduced due to the fact that the vertebrae have become unstable, causing the anger, and the compression of the nerve ends. A man is concerned about the acute pain caused the inflammation of the nerves, circulatory disorders. The Muscular frame shrinking, due to the fact that the functionality of the lower limbs, disturbed.
  • Ischemic stroke. Progress osteocondrose the lumbar spine that causes the blood vessels and the arteries entering the spinal column begins to compress. This violates the blood circulation and the nutrition of organs and tissues, and is also the cause of a sharp pain on the inner side of the thighs in the perineal region. If the problem is not resolved in a timely manner, it is possible, of paralysis or paresis.
  • Lumbago at the beginning of the disease, osteochondrosis
  • Of the spine. When the progression start point to the pain, ischemia, and radicular syndromes, the spinal column of a patient, and gradually, the deformation that has affected the state and the health system. The muscles become weak, changes in the gait, and the man is trying to spread the load on the spine, so that when the movement is felt the least uneasiness. All such violations of an influence on the work of the internal organs, with the intervertebral disks are still the most deformed, or damaged.

The treatment of degenerative disc disease for the lumbar spine was improper or done at a later time, they may develop a dangerous complication. Women, when the defeat of the vertebra at the level of L1—S1), which may occur as complications during the pregnancy, especially in the latter's life cycle, when the load on the vertebral column at its maximum. The men of degenerative processes in the lumbar spine are often the cause of problems with potency. A delay in treatment of the face with a jet spondylosis, as well as a high likelihood of developing osteoarthritis from the knee to the hip. Express, and other serious side effects:

  • compression-as vascular thrombosis;
  • of the protrusion;
  • spondiloarthrosis;
  • paresis.

The diagnosis

The doctor is able to get an effective treatment, it is in need of a correct diagnosis. The diagnosis starts in the doctor's office of a neurologist, who conducts the examination for primary, palpated the affected area, to assess the nature of changes in the spinal cord. In the acute period, the patient is difficult to move around and perform any of the complicated manipulations. For a more detailed study of the spinal column, it is assigned to an instrument of diagnosis, which includes the following:

  • The x-ray images. It runs on the 3-d images show the rate of progression of the condition, and the size of intervertebral disc in the slot, deposits of the manganese in the structure of the vertebrae.
  • Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. They give you a more detailed picture of the status of the spine and the discs, and they show soft tissue injuries, and that it is not possible to consider the x-ray study.

How to deal with the problem.


The disease is characterized by the progression start point to the pain of the symptom with which to cope and not all those medicines. In the early stages in order to beat the signal, you can take pain-killers. As well as how the problem is dealt with with the help of creams and gels. In the case of such drugs will be effective, and for this reason, the doctor will prescribe the injections, which relieve pain and the first aid kit shall be on a timely basis.

A diagnosis of degenerative disc disease

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help to relieve the swelling and inflammation, allowing the nerve fibers and vessels of a stop, compress it, and the pain and the symptoms to go away. The group is made up of the tools:

  • The pain killers. When the progression of the acute period, when the suffering is strongly expressed, are attributed to drugs in this group. As soon as they have no side effects, it is not worth it to buy all the media at its own discretion. Safe and effective, the drug must appoint a physician.
  • Relaxing your muscles. To relieve muscle spasm, making the pain and discomfort.
  • The corticosteroids. Eliminate the inflammation, and it has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves the condition of the patient within a relatively short period of time.


If it is diagnosed osteocondrose and L5—S1, or to be surprised by the units at the level of the L3—S1), to be obligatorily assigned to a medical facility. When you are running complex training, it is important to increase the load gradually, so as not to have found the discomfort and pain. It is recommended to take the osteocondrose of the following exercises:

  • The position of the foot to move in a curve to the right, to the left, tilt it back and forth.
  • Standing on all fours, bending and aligning the back.
  • Lying on the floor, raise the flat of the foot, without moving the lower back off the floor.
  • In a reclined position with your left hand to reach any of the members, that is, to the right, and vice-versa.

Massage therapy and physical therapy

Chronic osteocondrose in remission successfully treated with massage made manual therapist. The massage helps to normalize the blood circulation in the exposed area, to establish the power supply. A similar effect is to have physical therapy:

  • electrophoresis (ce);
  • as part of care;
  • laser therapy;
  • UHF bands.

If the patient is with the steering wheel to the left or to the right of osteochondrosis of conservative methods do not solve the problem, then it means, no surgery is required. Often times, applies to the following microdiscectomy, in which they are removed, sequestered hernia repair with the microsurgical tool. The procedure of minime's psidium, the next day after the surgery, the patient can begin to move on.


As well as osteochondrosis suffer from both adults and children, it is important that at an early age, to keep up with the column, to control posture, to pay attention, as appears to be bending when you sit or move around. If there is a suspicion of strain, it is worth checking with your doctor. The sooner it is diagnosed, with the disease, the easier it will be, then, to fight back.